Mousotron Pro Setup
By pressing the 'setup' button on the main Mousotron Pro screen, or selecting 'setup' from the popup window, a setup screen is displayed containing two tabs :
General Tab
Here you can modify the following items :
Monitor size : this setting is used to calculate the distance the mouse cursor travels, so it is important to set it right.
Distance : here you can select whether you want to display the distance using the English or the Metric system.
English system : Miles + Yards + Inches Metric System : Kilometers + Meters + Centimeters
Orientation : If you want to display more than one measured item, you can choose here to display them in a horizontal or vertical way.
Digits : When the Orientation setting is 'Horizontal', you can modify the number of digits on your display. This can also be handy if you're using a smaller screen resolution, because the total width of the main screen will also be smaller if you decrease this setting. You can only change the number of digits when the orientation is horizontal. In vertical mode the number of digits is always 10.
Language : Here you can select the language in which all displays and dialogs will be shown.
Transparent : Transparency only works on Win 2000 and higher (XP). Setting this to a value higher than 0 will make your program transparent so you can see what's visible 'behind' Mousotron. Only the main form is transparent, and not the setup screens or info screens.
Always on Top : Checking this will always keep Mousotron Pro visible, even if you're working with other programs.
Run On Startup : When this checkbox is checked, Mousotron Pro will automatically be started whenever Windows is started.
Animated Background : A Plasma color effect will be applied to the background of Mousotron Pro if you check this box. Mousotron Pro will use a little more resources if you do so, but it's fun to see :-)
Displayed Items Tab

Here you can select the items you want to display.
Cursor distance
Left Button Clicks
Right Button Clicks
Middle Button Clicks
Double Clicks (for any mouse button)
MouseWheel Scrolls
Important to know is that even if you deselect an item here, the statistics for that item will still be measured.
Time Display Tab

Show only running : displays only the time that mousotron has been actually running.
Here you still have to choose whether you want to display the time since you last resetted the counters, or since mousotron was started the last time. (In this last option you can see how long your computer has been running during the day, that is if mousotron is executed on startup)
Show total time : displays the difference between the last reset-time and the current date : this option does not look at how long your computer has been running between those times
Log every day : You can also have Mousotron create a log file where at the beginning of a new day it will save (all) the measurements to a file called 'mousotron.log' which resides in the mousotron program directory.
Internet Logging

Alias : This name will be used for your online details.
Comment : Type any comment you wish to leave on the website (URL...)
URL : The data will be posted to this page. If you create your own system to handle the mousotron data, you can change this URL. You can contact the author for details about the parameters.
Send Now button : This button will actually post the data when it is pressed.
View Page button : This button will open a browser with the Mousotron data.
Enable Internet Logging : if you want to post your data regularly and have constant internet access, you can check this box and set the interval with which you want the data to be updated online..
Remark : Mousotron uses the Internet Explorer Connection Settings. If these are correct, you should have no problem posting your data online.